No Flowers Please!

I sincerely ask that no flowers be sent. Just keep me in your thoughts and prayers. If you must make a special gesture, please donate a small sum to the Pat-the-Nurse fund at Northern Arizona University. This fund will help student nurses buy their books and it is a tax deduction for you!

Send to:
Northern Arizona Unversity
Pat-the-Nurse Scholarship Fund
C/O Connie Ott
PO BOX 15015
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Monday, June 1, 2009

Waiting for the Possibilities

The MRI guided biopsy was done in a new spot on the right breast and a spot on the left breast. Here are the possible outcomes of the MRI:

Neither area shows cancer which means we go back to the original plan of taking out the cancer we know is in the right and using radiation to get rid of any cancer cells that could be remaining.

If the right breast shows more cancer and the left does not. Any additional cancer in the right breast translates into a right mastectomy. If they do a right mastectomy then I can elect to have a left as well. The doctors say this is the most aesthetically pleasing option but I can wait and do the left later if there is no cancer there.

I then must decide if I want immediate reconstruction which Corey and I decided would be best. There are two schools of thoughts on this - one is wait about a year to allow time for grief and the other is to get the whole thing done at once. If I have to have a mastectomy then I want to put this behind me. Our only disagreement in this area is that Corey thought I should get a D - cup and I wanted an A - Cup. We compromised on a B-Cup.

If both sides show cancer then I must have a double mastectomy. One scenario we did not talk about is what would happen if the left showed cancer but the right was negative.

I will have the pathology back tomorrow and post again then.

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