No Flowers Please!

I sincerely ask that no flowers be sent. Just keep me in your thoughts and prayers. If you must make a special gesture, please donate a small sum to the Pat-the-Nurse fund at Northern Arizona University. This fund will help student nurses buy their books and it is a tax deduction for you!

Send to:
Northern Arizona Unversity
Pat-the-Nurse Scholarship Fund
C/O Connie Ott
PO BOX 15015
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fortunate Lives

This morning I am still bruised and have pain to whole right chest. I have to have labs drawn this morning, pick up some copies of the last MRI's for tomorrow's appointment and see the surgeon at 2:15 pm where I will find out if the margins are clear of cancer cells. I am trying to walk a little each day for exercise using my pedometer. Yesterday I was up to 5,000 steps done in 1/2 hour sessions throughout the day. My goal is 6,000 steps today.

I am rereading Dead until Dark and watching the first season of the HBO series based on the Sookie novels, True Blood. So far I like the books better but I am an Eric fan and the HBO Eric is pretty cute.

I found this poem that my daughter, Ali, wrote in high school. I thought I would share.

Fortunate Lives
by Ali Overgaard

Appearances are deceiving
For the windows of the mansion on the hill
Appear to sparkle in the evening sun
Yet inside, no children play
No laughter rings
No lovers dream or whisper
Secret fears.
These jewels are worn
Unseen in the village house
Where the light shines
Not for those outside, but
Warms those who come within.
No one is happy who does not think himself so.

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