No Flowers Please!

I sincerely ask that no flowers be sent. Just keep me in your thoughts and prayers. If you must make a special gesture, please donate a small sum to the Pat-the-Nurse fund at Northern Arizona University. This fund will help student nurses buy their books and it is a tax deduction for you!

Send to:
Northern Arizona Unversity
Pat-the-Nurse Scholarship Fund
C/O Connie Ott
PO BOX 15015
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am finished with my radiation, have a terrible headache, and can't wait to get to Redondo, hopefully later in the week. Corey has been more than patient with me this week, Courtney & Ali have kept my spirits up and so have the army of women friends who I have known for years and new friends I have met in the past few months as I have been treated for cancer.

My heart is with my cousin Wendy as she undergoes continuing chemotherapy for breast cancer. Wendy and I are the cousins who are the same age and we were diagnosed with breast cancer within months of each other!

Please send out special energy to my new friend Pam P. Pam has two more radiation treatments to go and then a break before chemotherapy. She is so pretty and calm and I felt such great strength from her as we passed twice daily to receive our treatments!

The army of women site listed recruits healthy women with no history of breast cancer, breast cancer survivors and those at high risk for breast cancer to register through the site to become potential clinical trial participants. Check it out! You may be help even if you do not have breast cancer!

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