I had a great weekend with Corey, my girls and my family.
My cousin Wendy, who is just six months younger than I, is recovering from her double mastectomy and had her first chemo treatment. Her hair is gone but my cousin Tracy reports that her spirit is bright.
A favorite patient died on Sunday, I went to see her on Saturday and am glad that I did. She was very sweet and so brave throughout her illness that I know she will live on as an inspiration to me and to those knew her.
On the flip side I had an article published with a group of colleagues from the CF community.
You can find it at:
That inspires me to get back to work as soon as I can.
Congratulations on the article Penny.We had a Patient Family Ed on this very topic today and I shared it with the group. Good luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you and sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Linda